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Hello, I'm Rebecca. Thanks for popping over! Kick off your shoes, get a cup of tea and settle yourself in. Let me give you a little introduction to me and my drawings!

I'm an artist with a strong connection to and love for the countryside. Ironically, I now live in London! I draw

inspiration from the wholesome memories of my simple and nourishing childhood; the wildlife and nature that

surrounded me back then, now brings me a sense of calm and well-being whilst I live in a bustling city.

I'm here to share all of this good stuff with you, drawing is my passion alongside getting outside for the benefit of daily mental well-being.

In the beginning.

I grew up on a farm and it's these beginnings which have very much inspired and informed my artwork. There was a rhythm on the farm and seasons were at the heart of it. There's no rushing life on the farm, it all moves at it's own pace; nobody can control the weather and the animals require care and respect. On the farm, you have to be patient and present and work with the elements.


What next?

I always wanted to explore beyond the farm gates, to unearth different people and places. My curiosity took me to different parts of the globe and I found new and exciting inspiration, listened and learned. Through all of the changes, the constancy was my sketchbook and pens - for notes and observations and lots of drawings. The simple act of putting pen to paper, for me, is enough to bring me home; active meditation. I studied Architecture at University so I have an eye for fine detail and style.


And now?

Life now, in the city, is different, with the constant hum and squeeze on space but it is brilliant and diverse, it's taught me about people and about myself . The city inspires me in different ways; I hadn't realised my need for space and freedom and a connection with nature and my sketchbook and have never craved it so much than since living in London. I seek out space and solace in my studio and outside of course. I've learned that you just have to time it right in a city, get up early before the majority and look more intentionally for the nature.



I am no stranger to mental health challenges but have found that utilising the tool of drawing, I find clarity and calm. At the core of my work is a true desire to connect with people, to share stories within a safe space and to put smiles on faces one drawing at a time. Having grown up in the countryside, I very much advocate getting fresh air daily and spending time with animals to remember the simple and free pleasures available to all.


Hand-drawn with love.

I hope this introduction to little ol' me goes some-way to explaining the observations and experiences behind my work. The hours spent watching, listening and practicing, all come through, I hope, in the characters and wilderness I draw and love. In my sketching, I try to capture the personalities of all my subjects whilst remaining faithful to my distinctive, uncomplicated style but most importantly of all I hope you love what I share and get as much joy, peace and playfulness from my artwork as I do from creating it!


Made locally

With wildlife and nature at the centre of my business, I aim to tread as lightly as possible on the environment when creating and making. All of my products are made with FSC approved papers and all printing is done in England. I use recycled card where possible and all envelopes are also 100% recyclable. 


Let's connect!

Thank you for taking the time to settle in and read this. I would love to chat, so once you've had a mooch around here, either send me a message on the contact page or come over to Instagram and join in the conversations - inspired by nature and travels, cups of tea and where I'll be sharing my works in progress of course!



Talk soon!

Rebecca x


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